Applying for a TIN ID? What to Know Before Going to Your RDO

Ricky Publico

Ricky Publico

Last updated December 15, 2023

Being a taxpayer means understanding the importance of contributing a portion of your earnings for the betterment of the country. As proof that you're a taxpayer and a responsible member of society, you can request a Tax Identification Number (TIN) ID from your nearest Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) office.

If you need a valid ID that you can get within a day, then this ID is a must-have. Here's a guide on how to get a TIN ID, the requirements, fees, and other essential things you need to know.

What is a TIN ID?

The Taxpayer Identification Number Identification Card, also called a TIN card or TIN ID card, contains a unique identification number given to every registered taxpayer in the Philippines. It’s primarily used for tax purposes but is also accepted as a valid ID when transacting with some government agencies and financial institutions.

The BIR ID contains your personal information, including your TIN, full name, birth date, card issue date, address, photo, and signature. It’s printed and issued only by the BIR office and bears its logo. A TIN ID verifies your identity and your status as a registered taxpayer. 

The TIN ID also doesn’t have an expiration date. So whether you have the previously-issued yellow-orange TIN card or the new green one, both are valid TIN IDs.[1] It’s made of thin, small cardboard, so most people have it laminated to protect it from scratches, watermarks, and wear and tear. 

👉 What is the TIN ID Used For?

how to get tin id - what is it used for

Some government agencies acknowledge a TIN card as a valid primary ID, like NBI for your clearance application and PNP for police clearance. However, some agencies, such as the SSS, PSA, and the Philippine Postal Corporation, recognize it only as a secondary ID. 

In addition, the PAG-IBIG Fund and the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) don’t honor the BIR-issued ID card as a primary ID. 

Because it’s a printed piece of paper, some business establishments don’t consider it a primary or standalone ID. For instance, if you're opening a bank account, banks like BPI or Metrobank don’t consider it a stand-alone proof of identification, but others like LANDBANK do. 

So whenever you transact with a government agency, business establishment, or financial institution, always bring a government-issued valid ID such as a driver’s license, passport, or postal ID as your primary identification, and present your TIN card as your secondary ID.

Related reading: 

Basic TIN ID Requirements in 2023

Before we proceed to the steps on how to apply for a TIN ID, you need to prepare the following requirements for a TIN ID,[2] especially if it’s your first time registering as a taxpayer. Note that the TIN ID application is free of charge.

  • Accomplished BIR registration form[3] (either 1902 or 1904)
  • One valid ID
  • PSA-issued birth certificate
  • Community Tax Certificate
  • 1×1 picture (if applicable)
  • Marriage contract (if applicable)

Read more: PSA Serbilis vs PSAHelpline: Which Online Delivery Service is Better?

Where to Get a TIN ID in the Philippines

how to get tin id - where to get tin card

Photo: BIR Revenue District Office 014 - Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya (Facebook)

“Can I get a TIN ID in any BIR branch?” No, you can't just go to any branch for your TIN ID application.

Each taxpayer in the Philippines is assigned only one Revenue District Office (RDO) with jurisdiction over their residence or business. You can pay taxes, update information, or request or replace TIN IDs at your designated RDO. 

Check your RDO by calling the BIR Customer Assistance Division[4] hotline at 8538-3200 or emailing

How to Get a TIN ID Card

New employee? Or an existing one? Follow the steps below:

📌 How to Get a TIN ID for New Employees

The HR department is usually tasked to process TIN ID applications for new employees. If you're a newbie taxpayer, here are the steps on how to get your TIN ID:

  1. Accomplish BIR Form 1902 and submit the TIN ID requirements to your HR.
  2. HR will process your application for you. Just wait for your card after a few days.

But if your employer requires you to process your TIN application yourself, head to the RDO where your company is registered and submit all your BIR ID requirements. Your ID will be processed within the day.

📌 How to Get a TIN ID for Employees and Individuals with Existing TIN 

BIR's Revenue Memorandum Order No. 37-2019 mandates employees to make a personal appearance at their RDO when applying for the TIN card. Make sure to bring a valid ID.

In emergency or valid cases when the taxpayer can’t visit the branch, they can send an authorized representative on the assigned date. The authorized representative must have a special power of attorney (SPA) to claim the TIN ID. 

In the SPA document, the taxpayer should indicate the reason behind their non-appearance, the full name of the authorized representative, and their relationship with the representative. The taxpayer should also notarize and sign the document.

The authorized representative must present the SPA with their and the taxpayer's valid IDs. 

The same process applies to self-employed individuals who already have an existing TIN and want to apply for a TIN card. 

How to Get a Digital TIN ID

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Photo: Department of Finance (Facebook)

You can save a trip to your RDO and hours of queueing by getting your digital TIN ID. The BIR recently announced that individuals with existing TIN can get their digital TIN ID online via the Online Registration and Update System or ORUS.[6]

But before you can be issued a digital TIN ID, you should update the email address recorded in your RDO. To do this, complete Form S1905 (Registration Update Sheet) and email it to your RDO. 

Your signature is not required on your digital TIN ID. But you can verify it by scanning the QR code with your smartphone camera through ORUS. 

If you have a digital TIN ID, you don't need to get a physical TIN ID card as well. Your digital TIN ID will be honored as a valid ID. 

Aside from the convenience it offers Filipinos, the introduction of the digital TIN ID can help eliminate fixers and scammers selling TIN ID cards on different online channels. 

Follow this step-by-step guide to getting a digital TIN ID:

  1. Sign up for an ORUS account by visiting and clicking New Registration.
  2. Click Create an Account
  3. Read the ORUS Terms of Service and User Agreement, tick the box, and click Agree
  4. Supply the required information, such as whether you are registering as a taxpayer and have an existing TIN. 
  5. Provide your existing TIN in the required fields, including your registered name and email address. 
  6. Assign and confirm your ORUS password. 
  7. Tick the captcha box and click Register

After setting up your ORUS account, upload a recent 1x1 photo. It must be taken within the last six months and have a white background with no borders. Your face must also be entirely visible (no sunglasses, hats, etc.).

📌 How to Get a TIN ID for Students and Unemployed Filipinos

Filipinos above 18 can get a TIN ID under Executive Order No. 98. First, secure the following TIN ID requirements for students and unemployed individuals:

  • Birth certificate, driver’s license, passport, Community Tax Certificate, or any other document or identification issued by an authorized government body
  • Passport (for non-resident aliens)
  • 1x1 ID picture
  • Marriage Contract (for married women)

Once you have these requirements, just follow these steps on how to get your BIR ID: 

  1. Accomplish BIR Form 1904[5] and bring your requirements (mainly your birth certificate) to the RDO of the city you’re residing in.
  2. Submit the requirements to the authorized personnel.
  3. Once your application is processed, wait for the issuance date of your TIN ID.
  4. After claiming your TIN card, attach your 1x1 ID picture.

How to Replace a Lost TIN ID

If you damaged or lost your TIN ID, don’t panic. Here’s how to get a TIN ID replacement card from the BIR.

First, prepare the following requirements for replacing a lost or damaged TIN ID:

  • Accomplished BIR Form 1905 (Registration Information Update Form) and BIR Form 0605 (Payment Form)
  • For lost TIN ID: Notarized affidavit of loss
  • For damaged TIN ID: Old ID card and a photocopy
  • Marriage certificate and old TIN card (if applicable)

Once your requirements for a TIN ID are complete, bring them to your RDO. You can download the forms needed or get copies from the RDO. 

  1. Fill out the BIR Form 1905. Don’t forget to put an X on the Replacement of Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) Card under Part II.
  2. Under Reason/Details, put an X on the Lost/Damaged box.
  3. Proceed to the Certificate of Registration (COR) Update window and submit your completed BIR Form 1905 and other requirements.
  4. Fill out the BIR Form 0605 and have it verified at the Payment window.
  5. Proceed to your RDO’s agent bank to pay for your lost or damaged card. Ask for a BIR payment slip before paying the fee. The bank will have your Form 0605 machine-verified.
  6. After payment, return to the RDO and submit your machine-verified Form 0605 and the receipt to the COR Update window.
  7. Wait for your new card to be issued to you.

You’ll also need to go through this process to update the information on your card. If you want to correct a misspelling or update your civil status, just fill out the BIR Form 1905 and mark the appropriate reason with an X.

What to Remember When Applying for a TIN ID Card

✔️ Avoid Fixers at All Costs

how to get tin id - avoid fixers

If you receive offers on how to replace your lost TIN ID online, ignore them. There are countless stories of people going to fixers to get their TIN cards. Any offers of TIN ID Assistance posted on online channels or selling platforms are not authorized by the BIR and are therefore considered illegal.[7] 

Moreover, you risk getting scammed by fly-by-night operators who will take your money without delivering the service. Getting a TIN ID is simple, so do it yourself and save money.

✔️ Use Only One TIN and TIN ID for Life

If you're a taxpayer, use your unique TIN for everything tax-related, from filing your annual income tax return to applying for a business permit. 

You might not know that you need only one TIN for life. You don't need a new one even if you move to a different city or change your civil status. 

Your TIN will remain valid as long as you’re a taxpayer in the Philippines. Having two or multiple TINs is considered a criminal act. 

How to Get a TIN ID in the Philippines: FAQs

how to get tin id - faqs

1. Is a TIN card a valid ID?

A TIN card is a government-issued ID you can present as a secondary ID. For example, when you apply for a passport at the DFA, you must use a valid ID such as a driver’s license or postal ID as your primary ID and then show the TIN card as a secondary ID. 

In the same way, when you check the SSS website for valid IDs, the SSS ID, passport, UMID card, and PRC ID bear more weight than the TIN card, as the latter is considered a secondary ID.

2. Can you apply for a TIN ID replacement online?

No. A personal appearance is required, so you must go to your RDO, where you are registered, to get a TIN ID replacement.

3. How much does it cost to get a TIN ID?

The TIN ID card is free of charge and doesn’t expire. But when you apply for a business TIN, you must pay a fee of ₱500 for the registration and ₱30 for the documentary stamp tax or DST.

For TIN ID replacement of a lost or damaged card, you pay ₱100.

4. How long does it take to replace a TIN ID?

TIN card replacement will take approximately an hour or two. Download and complete the online forms before going to your respective RDO to speed up the process. 

5. Can I change my name on my TIN ID?

If you’re self-employed or a professional and wish to change your name and status on your TIN ID, you may file BIR Form 1905 (Application for Registration Information Update/Correction/Cancellation). 

But it can be tricky. You won’t just be changing your name per se, especially if your registered business name is your maiden name (e.g., Juana B. Dela Cruz Consultancy Services to married name Juana D. Santos Consultancy Services).

You’ll have to update your Certificate of Registration (COR) at your respective RDO, where you registered your TIN, and request a replacement TIN ID. Of course, with the change of your COR, you also have to change the name of your official receipts, invoices, and other documents related to your business registration. 

6. Do I need to pay for your digital TIN ID? 

No, you get your digital TIN ID for free. 

7. Can I get my digital TIN ID if I don't have a TIN yet?

Don't have your Tax Identification Number yet? Note that only individuals with an existing TIN can get their digital TIN ID via ORUS.[8]

8. Do I need to get a new digital TIN ID if I update my information? 

Yes. You must regenerate your digital TIN ID to update your name and address or switch to a different RDO. But you can only do so 30 days after you generate your current one.

Final Thoughts

Now that you know how to get a TIN ID, you can go to your RDO prepared. Make sure you only have one TIN for your TIN ID, as applying for more than one is legally punishable.

And remember, TIN IDs are not for sale. You can’t get them anywhere other than the BIR. Try generating your digital TIN ID to avoid the hassle and long wait. 

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Ricky is the zaniest Product Marketing Manager at Moneymax, with over six years of writing experience in the digital marketing industry. He had written for SEO, cybersecurity, and other related industries prior to joining Moneymax. He also specializes in content writing, copywriting, and email marketing. He is a huge fan of pro-wrestling, One Piece, and smartphones in general. Follow Ricky on LinkedIn.


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