Splinterlands NFT: How to Play and Earn Money from the Game

Jay Pagkatotohan

Jay Pagkatotohan

Last updated January 27, 2023

Non-fungible token (NFT) games are all the rage these days. Titles range from high-octane role-playing games (RPGs) to chill metaverses involving cool avatars. If you’re looking for something light that still requires strategy and wit, you should check out Splinterlands.

Splinterlands calls itself the next generation of collectible card games. But don’t let the card game aspect deceive you. Splinterlands claims that its battles are fast and furious, with each game only taking a few minutes.[1] 

Splinterlands isn’t just a game; you can also trade NFTs and make money through the platform. Interested? Here’s everything you need to know about Splinterlands NFT.

What is Splinterlands NFT?

splinterlands nft - what is splinterlands

Launched in 2018 as Steem Monsters, Splinterlands is a blockchain game wherein you collect cards and use them to battle other players. Each card in the game is an NFT, meaning it has a real-life monetary value. As such, you can trade these cards and earn cash as you go.

Splinterlands is a game of strategy. It will remind you of other collectible card games, such as Magic the Gathering, Hearthstone, Yu-Gi-Oh!, and even Pokemon.

Players create decks of different cards based on the metaverse’s six different elements, which are called Splinters. You can build a strong deck by buying cards on the Splinterlands marketplace.

Currently, Splinterlands resides on the Hive blockchain.

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Where Can I Play Splinterlands?

Splinterlands is available on different platforms. You can play on its website via a desktop browser. But if you want to have fun while on the go, you can download an app version of the game from the App Store or Google Play.

What are the Currencies of the Splinterlands Metaverse?

The Splinterlands NFT metaverse’s economy depends on two currencies: Dark Energy Crystal (DEC) and Splintershards token (SPS). DEC is for purchasing or renting cards in the game. Meanwhile, SPS is the governance token of Splinterlands NFT. This particular Splinterlands token allows holders to shape the future of the game.  

Is It Free to Play Splinterlands?

Technically, Splinterlands NFT is free to play. But to participate in various tournaments and earn rewards, you need to buy an essential item called the Summoner’s Spellbook. Each Summoner’s Spellbook costs US$10 or around ₱55. With the Summoner’s Spellbook, you can unlock other features, such as earning DECs by winning certain battles and changing your name.

Before Playing the Splinterlands NFT Game: Setting Up Your Splinterlands and Hive Accounts

Before you get into the Splinterlands NFT Game, take the following steps:

1. Create an Account on Splinterlands

splinterlands nft - create an account

Go to the official Splinterlands NFT website. Click the Play Now button and register using your email address. You’ll then receive an email containing a link. Click the said link to confirm your email address.

2. Buy a Summoner’s Spellbook and Create Your Username

On the Splinterlands website, click the Shop tab. Once you’re in the shop, purchase a Summoner’s Spellbook using your preferred payment method. After the payment is confirmed, you’ll be asked to choose your new name. This name will also be your Hive Wallet account username.

Note: If your browser already has the Hive Keychain[2] wallet extension, just use your Hive Keychain credentials to sign in or create a new Splinterlands account.

3. Create a Hive Keychain Account

Because Splinterlands resides on the Hive blockchain, you’ll need a Hive account. Download a Hive Keychain app (available on App Store and Google Play) or install a browser extension if you’re using a desktop computer (available for Chrome, Firefox, and Brave).

After that, claim your account keys in your Splinterlands account. In your desktop account, click your username and click Request Account Keys from the drop-down menu.

4. Set Up Your Hive Keychain Wallet with Your Splinterlands Account

splinterlands nft - hive keychain

You’ll then receive an email with a link that contains your account keys. Upon clicking the link, you’ll be directed to a page where you should find five different keys.

Go back to the Splinterlands homepage. Click the Hive Keychain browser extension and create a password.  Then click the USE KEYS/PWD button. Enter your username and the master password sent to you via the email link.  

Congratulations, your Hive Keychain wallet and Splinterlands game account are now connected!

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How to Play Splinterlands NFT?

Ready to play the Splinterlands game? Don’t go without arming yourself with some basic knowledge. Take note of the following:

✔️ The Two Types of Cards

splinterlands nft - types of cards

There are two types of cards that players wield in battles: Summoners and Monsters. Summoners are cards that you can use to summon Monsters. Monsters, on the other hand, are any persons or creatures that Summoners call upon to do battle.

✔️ The Six Splinters

splinterlands nft - the six splinters

The cards are categorized into six Splinters or sources of magic. These are Fire, Water, Earth, Life, Death, and Dragon. Summoners can only call forth different creatures within the same Splinter. For instance, a Summoner of the Fire Splinter can only summon fire-natured creatures.

✔️ The Gameplay

For the battle, you can choose between Practice and Ranked modes. In Practice battles, you have the opportunity to familiarize yourself with the game’s terrain. You can also practice your skills and experiment with strategies without affecting your rank. Meanwhile, Ranked battles will determine your ranking depending on the outcome of the match.

Once the system matches you up with an opponent, you’ll need to choose a Summoner. After that, a selection of Monsters from the Summoner’s Splinter will appear. Choose the ones you think will benefit you. Keep in mind that Monsters are categorized into three: ranged, melee, and magic. These categories determine the attack type of your Monsters.

Remember that all your cards have stats and skills that will determine the outcome of your game, so choose carefully and strategically. Of course, this will be a challenge since you won’t know which cards your opponent will choose.

After choosing your cards, position them on the battlefield. Remember that the first Monster on your list will occupy the front row once the battle begins.

After you and your opponent submit your teams, the battle will play out automatically. At this point, you and your opponent won’t be able to do anything but watch the cards battle it out based on the established rules of the game and the cards’ stats and skills.  

You can watch the entire battle or simply click the Skip to Results button to see the declared winner. The victor will earn rewards.

How to Make Money with Splinterlands NFT?

splinterlands nft - how to earn

While Splinterlands may seem like a simple card game, it offers players various ways to make money, such as the following:

👉 Winning Ranked Battles

Winning ranked battles is the primary way of earning money in the Splinterland game. With every battle you win, you get SPS, which you can cash out whenever you want. Moreover, every win entitles you to Reward Shares or R-Shares.

Remember that the amount of rewards you earn highly depends on your rank. Playing all day long will provide you with useful experience. So keep playing!

👉 Getting Loot Chests

Many online games offer players loot boxes containing consumable virtual items that will come in useful in quests and battles. In the Splinterlands NFT metaverse, they’re called loot chests. These resources contain an assortment of cards, items, and currencies.

To earn loot chests, you need to complete daily quests. Keep in mind that the number of loot chests you’ll earn also relies on the number of R-shares you win in ranked battles. In other words, the more matches you win, the more loot chests you’ll get.

👉 Joining Tournaments

A lot of players—and even Splinterlands itself—host tournaments where you can win SPS. You can access these battles by clicking the Events link. Remember that tournaments have their own rules, regulations, and rewards. Read them carefully before joining a Splinterlands crypto game.

👉 Staking SPS

Staking your Splinterlands token is one way to earn passive income. You can stake your SPS in a BNB Smart Chain (BSC) wallet address or in your Splinterlands account.[3]

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👉 Selling Cards

splinterlands nft - selling cards

Since Splinterlands cards are NFTs, you can sell them on the marketplace to make cash. A card may fetch a high value if it’s rare. You may also deload your deck by selling cards you don’t need anymore.

👉 Trading Cards

If you’re a collector who speculates about the card’s future value, you may want to trade NFT assets. This means buying cards now and selling them in the future at a higher price, depending on the fluctuation of the market.

👉 Renting Cards

You also have the option to rent your NFT Splinterlands cards to other players. Rentals work through smart contracts. Players who rent your cards can use them exclusively, albeit temporarily.


Final Thoughts

The NFT market is alive and well, as evidenced by countless blockchain games out there. If you want to dip your toes into this world, the Splinterlands NFT game is a title worth checking out. The game isn’t too complicated, and it even offers a lot of ways to make money.

However, just like in other blockchain games, speculation is the main risk in Splinterlands. Remember that NFTs like your Splinterlands assets are subject to value fluctuation. To avoid mistakes and significant losses, study the game thoroughly.  

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You should be aware that the value of virtual currencies (VCs) including cryptocurrencies may fluctuate greatly. As with any other type of investment, you should know and fully understand VCs before investing in such a product. You should only buy if you are prepared to accept the risk of losing all of the money you put into VCs.

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Jay is a marketing communications professional who specializes in short-form and long-form content. He has written ads for TV, radio, print, and digital. He has also produced corporate blogs, magazine features, white papers, product listings, reviews, and press releases for clients here and abroad. When he’s not writing, Jay plays the piano or takes pictures for his visual diary. Follow Jay on LinkedIn.


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