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UNO Digital Bank Personal Loan
Don't let unexpected expenses hold you down. Fund your needs or wants with an UNO Digital Bank Personal Loan! Borrow up to ₱500,000 and enjoy flexible terms up to 36 months all while managing your loan in one nifty app.
Pre-qualification is only available to first-time UNO Digital Bank customers
Pre-qualification is only available to first-time UNO Digital Bank customers

UNO Digital Bank Personal Loan
Got big plans? Act on it today with an UNO Digital Bank Personal Loan.Enjoy these exclusive features when you apply for an UNO Digital Bank Personal Loan:
✅ Borrow funds starting at ₱10,000 up to ₱500,000
✅ Get approved in as fast as 7 banking days
✅ Enjoy monthly add-on rates as low as 2%
✅ Pay in 6, 12, 18, 24, or 36 monthly installments
✅ Minimal requirements—no co-maker or collateral needed
Required Documents
- Certificate of Employment
- Latest 3-month payslip
- Latest bank statement
- Latest credit card statement
- Latest insurance premium receipt
- Latest loan statement
- Latest Home Credit payment receipt
Eligibility and Criteria:
- Must be 18 to 70 years old
- Must be Filipino or a legal resident in the Philippines for at least 6 months
- Must be in good health